Posted by & filed under Live Digital Caricatures.

John saundersHB John Saunders Cartoon

I promise, even though I talk about New York so much, I don’t live there (although it feels like I do). After being there earlier in the week, I headed back this weekend for another event at 48 Lounge. This event was definitely one for the scrapbook. I got myself situated at 48 Lounge and got to create the cartoon likeness of ESPN SportsCaster John Saunders at his surprise 60th birthday party. During the “roast” of John, I drew his caricature against a backdrop of the evening’s theme. After the hour or so celebration and speeches, I drew some of John’s guests, including TV personality Chris “Boomer” Berman.

48 Lounge is quickly becoming one of my favorite venues at which to draw thanks to the wonderful staff and management. They make it so fun and enjoyable to work there that it hardly feels like work at all.

Digital Artist, Angie Jordan

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