Thursday, October 20th, 2022
From east to west for na outdoor conference drawing my Live Digital Caricatures under a tent. this sure was different and I had to fight the sun reflecting against my Wacom tablet. Thankfully I didn’t draw anyone’s hair green instead of brown. Within 3 hours, the sun moved and I started to draw faster and … Continue reading
Monday, August 8th, 2022
I sure am a lucky Digital Diva who is blessed to fly around the world drawing at many of my clients conferences. and here I am again, blessed to have my client want to bring me to Hawaii to draw many of the attendees. I decided to stay a little longer and see Hawaii, and … Continue reading
Saturday, January 29th, 2022
Wow! First time in Odessa, Texas to be invited to the PBIOS in the center of Texas, where not only the cattle is big, cowboy hats, men and even the ladies must grow by eating lots of BBQ! lol I’m talking women, in the surrounding oil fields, are taller than 6 feet! One fine young … Continue reading
Friday, November 12th, 2021
Fall is here and conferences have returned! I returned to bring in more fun with my clients, Tipalti and this conference was the Community Summit North America in Houston, Texas. The weather was fantastic, the city was gorgeous, food was delicious and the people were so kind! So here is what happened at the Tipalti … Continue reading
Friday, August 27th, 2021
Staying at the forfront of the digital world, Angie Jordan has officially announced her first NFT digital collectibles. The first edition cartoon is based on her AJ relaxed golfer cartoon and character design and we’re excited to reveal it here! There will be several versions of rarity and bonuses with each NFT series she creates. This … Continue reading
Wednesday, March 31st, 2021
I was surprised to keep myself busy with many virtual events and conferences, along with gift cartoon orders for the holidays. The New Year continues with more Virtual events and below, I gathered some photos to share of many events put together. Enjoy, and feel free to reach out to me for your next virtual … Continue reading
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020
We are at a time now when students sit at home and login on their computers for class, which can get boring over time. Now we brought entertainment virtually on ZOOM so I can draw students joining the meeting room, each within minutes, and they can logout after downloading their fun digital cartoon selfie. Take … Continue reading
Tuesday, May 5th, 2020
Are you looking for something FUN during the shutdown with Covid-19? Join me on Zoom and I can draw a party of a crowd and each can share a unique and FUN Digital Cartoon Selfie! Take a look and contact me for more information!
Saturday, January 4th, 2020
I’m back! My client brought my talent back to their conference, #MRS in #Boston to bring back fun for the attendees. A few days before the conference, snow was expected and lots of it, so I decide to take the train. I am so relieved I made that decision, for Boston was expecting 18 inches … Continue reading
Friday, November 15th, 2019
There are many ways to bring in entertainment for a fundraiser to make it a win-win for all. Remember, the entertainers work for a living, so do NOT expect them to do it for free. Entertainers are approached ALL the time to work for FREE. Here is a another way! Find a “Sponsor” to help … Continue reading