Posted by & filed under Digital Artist, Live Digital Caricatures.

I am excited to finally have made it to Italy. I have been wanting to go there all my life and who would have thought that my job would have taken me to my childhood dream? I have my client to thank!

My last name is Jordan and came from the Italian name Giordano. My great, great grandfather came on the boat to Ellis Island in NY and changed his name and his job was an umbrella man (fixing umbrellas). Who would have known that some artistic talent came from Italy.ย The Jordan Brothersย and well, me! ๐Ÿ™‚

My hubby decided to hop aboard and join me on my journey to Italy! First stop was Lake Como, Cernobbio, where my job to draw my Live Digital Caricatures for the IDC Pan Conference. About 100 attendees and I drew everyone that wanted a caricature and even put them into a superhero theme, as another fun gift to take home.

IMG_2853-a IMG_2892-a P1050781-a P1050786-a IMG_3036-a IMG_3027-a IMG_3016-a IMG_3007-a IMG_2954-a

While staying at Lake Como, we ventured on a ferry to see Bellagio and captured Clooney’s house on the lake on the way back to Cernobbio. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lake Como 2016 IMG_2863-a Belaggio 2016 my honey 2016 Bellagio Clooney's house-Lake como

Once my job was finished, we headed on a train to Milan to see The Last supper, the cathedral, shopping and enjoying the italian wine and food (pizza, pasta, fried artichokes)

Last Supper 2016 Italian Dinner 2016-Scott

Then we unexpectedly found an express train to take us to Rome and we stayed to “Rome” around for 2 days. We walked by foot to see the Colosseum, the Trevi fountain, other fountains, the Vatican, Pantheon and more! What FUN!

2016 Colosseum 2016 Collosseum2 2016 trevi fountain 2016 Vatican 2016 Pantheon

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