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Can you believe you can throw a party at the Nationals Park Basreball Stadium in Washington DC (VIP lounge) and have your personal, custom video displayed on the big screen at the ballpark?

Last week, 2 digital artists, myself and Donna, strolled with the iPad for the first hour in one room for Michael’s fun Bar Mitzvah. And after the first hour, went to the second floor and sat at our station with our set up. Donna stuck with iPad caricatures and I continued drawing live digital caricatures on my Cintiq, which I had set up before the event began.

Many of the guests were impressed by this new type of digital drawings, which I pioneered by being the very first iPad Caricature Artist in the world. Many are now following my lead and drawing on the iPad.

I was so busy at this event, I only made time for 2 fun photos, though take a look at a few of our fun digital cartoons of the guests.

Are you looking to bring Live Digital Caricatures to your event (any location)? Please contact us at  (215) 259-8842 or you can email me at

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