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This may have been my 5th time in good ole Nawlins, though I always enjoy this fun city. And each visit brings me something new and different. I stayed at the Le Pavillon, which is the 2nd oldest hotel in New Orleans and it held up to be very beautiful, clean and a comfortable stay for my visit.

Since I arrived on a Sunday, my fave restaurant called HerbSaint was closed and I was directed to a new restaurant called “Luke” around the corner from my hotel. Well Luke turned out to be another great food choice and I tried the crawfish bisque, buttermilk fried quail and the signature drink named “French 75” with champagne, cognac and lemon. There was always someone friendly sitting next to me at this restaurant, so I went to Luke for another night…what can I say? Good food, drinks and company! 🙂

My main reason for visiting Nawlins was to bring fun and smiles to my client’s booth with my Live Digital Caricature Entertainment at the Microsoft Envision conference for 2 full days. And I succeeded! Take a look at the smiling faces form this conference crowd, below.

Also, I met up with a lovely young couple on my last evening at the Le Pavillon and they requested a drawing from me, to include their dog Howie! Such fun!

Studio Digital Caricatures

Studio Digital Caricatures by Angie Jordan

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